What to Expect

We know that it can be intimidating to come to a place where you do not know anyone. Let us explain what to expect when you visit the Green Forest Church of Christ. We want you to feel very comfortable visiting our church family.

You can expect our Bibles, our minds, and our hearts to be open.

We care about finding and living by the truth in biblethe Bible. We are disciples (students) of Jesus Christ, and we continue to learn each day how to live according to God’s will. We come with open minds and hearts because we realize that we do not know it all and we need open minds and hearts to receive and apply God’s word.

During our regular Bible study period, you will find a teacher leading the discussion, but all are able to ask questions and make comments. During our worship services, you will hear the Scriptures read and applied during a sermon. We pray that these times of Bible study and application can be inspiring, humbling, helpful, and convicting to both our members and visitors.

You can expect joyful, heart-filled singing.

In our assembly, we sing songs as a congregation to worship the Lord and encourage each other. We do not use mechanical instruments in our assembly while we sing, but we seek to use the instrument of our heart. By plucking the strings of our heart, we offer praise to God through our voice and lips. You do not have to be a professional music student or singer to sing in our congregation. It is our desire that our hearts are in harmony, and that is much more important it-is-wellthan our voices being in harmony.

When you visit, we would love for you to sing along. There will be a song leader who will begin each one and make sure we stay together. You can follow each song on PowerPoint, or you can use a hymnal, if you like.

You can expect a solemn observance of the Lord’s Supper.

what-makes-me-worthy-to-partake-of-the-lord-s-supper-1vbysh-clipartEach Sunday our congregation takes the Lord’s Supper together.  As we commune with one another, we commune with our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord’s Supper consists of unleavened cracker-like bread, symbolizing the Lord’s body, and the fruit of the vine (we serve grape juice), to represent His blood. Since our purpose in taking the Lord’s Supper is to look backward to the death of Christ and forward to His second coming, we solemnly observe this time with remembrance of the Lord’s sacrifice and reflection on our own lives.

Each Sunday morning, a man from the congregation will speak for a few minutes on the significance of the Lord’s Supper before we take it. Then we will have a prayer before both emblems are passed out in communion trays. If you chose not to participate, do not be embarrassed. You can just pass the tray to the next person.

You can expect people who give back to the church.

church-tip-trayAfter the Lord’s Supper, our elders have set aside a time to take up a collection of money to be used in funding the work of the church. The money is used to support local and foreign ministries and ministers as well as benevolence for the needy. As a visitor, you are not obligated to give. You can just pass the tray to the next person.

You can expect to find a loving congregation.

Green Forest is a great place because of God’s work in our lives. We are imperfect people, but by God’s grace and through our obedient response to Christ’s sacrifice, we have beenlove-god-love-people-e1418217517274 cleansed of our sins.  We are grateful for what the Lord has done for us, and we want to share His grace with you.  We have wonderful, caring people here at Green Forest who are eager to adopt anyone into our church family. You will see the love we have for one another by the way we greet you at the door, how we treat one another, and by our readiness to serve. We love one another because Christ first loved us.